Oasia Resort Sentosa Staycation Review – Gorgeous swimming pool and gigantic courtyard rooms!

I have stayed at many hotels in Singapore, but come to think of it, I have never actually stayed in a hotel in Sentosa before. And now that I have experienced Oasia Resort Sentosa, I would definitely highly recommend it. You will find there are a number of interesting elements to Oasia Resort Sentosa. For one, it is a wellness


Babies & Kids

Charlotte’s 18 months milestones

Charlotte turned 18 months a few days ago and I thought it would be a great time to recap what she has been up to lately. I recently read what Edward was up to at 17 months and it was great to be able to to read about it and know what I was thinking at that time. You may


Review of the Origin LumbarCloud™ Mattress

I remember when I last bought a mattress for my bed 10 years ago, it was a lengthy affair involving numerous visits to various brands to try each mattress personally. When I had finally decided on the mattress, I also had to


Preserving Your Travel Adventures: A Guide to Memory Saving

*Branded Content* Traveling opens up a world of unforgettable experiences, from breathtaking landscapes to vibrant cultures. Yet, the fleeting nature of these moments can make them difficult to hold onto. Preserving your travel memories ensures that these adventures remain vivid and cherished
May 22, 2024
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