You know, 10 years ago, when there weren’t that many exciting distractions in Singapore as there are now, I used to visit the Expo once in a while just for the fun of it. For the most part, it would be a
I have been under the weather lately, not just a couple of days, but a longer period than that. It’s times like these when the body issues distress calls in the form of flu, cold, headaches, body aches, that jolts me into
November 2014 UPDATE: After 3 months of trying out Singtel’s latest Easy Mobile Plan for free courtesy of Singtel, I’m seriously considering switching my current classic plan to the Easy Mobile Plan, just so that I can enjoy more units of data.
For those of you who have been following me on Instagram, you might have realised that I was away in Australia on a whirlwind trip over the weekend. Yes, 2 days in the Tweed Valley, south of Gold Coast! And what a
Did you know that there is a food court / coffee shop at the Singapore Botanic Gardens? No I’m not talking about the underground one at the front of the Botanic Gardens near Gleneagles Hospital (that closed down several years ago!), I’m