
Himawari Japanese Restaurant

Found this restaurant “near” to my office. Well, near enough if 10 minutes walk is considred near, 5 minutes of which were under the hot sun. Seriously, the sun at City Hall isn’t that hot! (okay I know City Hall is shaded)
February 19, 2011

Coolest Office ever!

I just had to share these photos with you. This is an architecture firm’s office in Spain. Is this just so pretty or what? It almost makes doing ”over-time” a fun activity. Talk about making a statement, this would definitely be the
February 19, 2011

Sengkang Floating Wetland

The best time to enjoy Singapore’s parks, nature reserves and the great outdoors is during the November December period when the weather is cooler. Cloudy and windy days are the days I love best. Cooler weather always makes me feel so energised!
February 18, 2011
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