:) Happy Birthday to me!! :)

February 26, 2011

Still in time!!! Happy Birthday to myself!! SmileSmileSmile

And also a memorial to my dear birdie who graciously kicked the bucket this day last year at 9.50pm. Sad smile


    • Yes every day would be a great idea! Don’t they do that in Alice in Wonderland? Every day is an unbirthday worthy of celebration!!!
      Yep she died 26 Feb 2010!!!

  1. Opps, I am late. Damned, wanted to be the one shouting Happy Birthday first. I knew Book Junkie was going to beat me to that! 😀
    Here’s wishing you a Happy Belated Birthday! Trust that you had many wonderful celebrations pertaining to that.

    • Thank you! Better late than never! I had a wonderful time!!!!! I wish it could last longer! Shall post about it soon.

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