Singapore Youth Olympics Games – Here I come (to watch)!

August 17, 2010

I’m brimming with energy even though it is nearly 1 am! I really must be a night person! It’s also thanks to the fact that I will not be going into the office tomorrow because I’ve taken leave to watch the Youth Olympic Games Women’s Gymnastics Preliminaries! I can’t wait to see what it is like. Despite being a loyal TV spectator of this sport for more than 20 years, I have never witnessed a live Gymnastics competition up close and personal before! This will be my 1st time and it’s none too soon!

I’ve also got myself tickets to watch the canoing/kayaking race at the Marina Reservoir on Saturday morning. It’s not that I am a super fan of canoing/kayaking. I just feel like this Youth Olympics is such a rare event that I surely have to do more than watch just 1 sport? Also, the view of the Marina Reservoir, with the Singapore Flyer in the background, must be a pretty sight to behold. I specially picked the morning race so that the photos will turn out great in the morning sunlight. I can’t wait!

How are you enjoying the inaugural Youth Olympic Games?

Here are 2 photos for you to enjoy, taken from the YOG Opening Ceremony preview I attended.

YOG Opening Ceremony - Monster

The Floating Platform looks like it is burning down, while the Marina Bay Sands looks stately in the background.

YOG Opening Ceremony - Fireworks

Fireworks erupt after Singapore’s National Flag is raised

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