KPO – Killiney Post Office cafe bar

July 22, 2011

I don’t know who came up with the name KPO, but that person sure is a smart fella. KPO, if you don’t already know, is a cafe and bar situated at the Killiney Post Office building (yes the post office is still operational!). KPO = Killiney Post Office, what’s so smart about that you say. Well, how’s this? KPO is also happens to be situated on the corner of Killiney Road, Penang Road and Orchard Road. Now is that cool or what??? Word plays turn me on….ahem…moving along…

After my huge 8 eatery Gastromania Feast at Far East Square, I still managed to wobble to Orchard Road to meet up with my JC mates. Not only did I continue to have a drink at Oriole Cafe, I managed to down some Vietnamese beef pho at Killiney Road, and still have space for a peach Bellini at KPO. Nearly 10 hours of feasting…phew!

KPO Peach Bellini

Here’s the peach bellini I had for $22. Didn’t taste of peach at all. A little disappointing actually.

KPO unidentified drink

Here’s what one of my friends had. Didn’t manage to take down the name.

Exterior seating area

KPO looks cool huh, especially at night. Took this picture off, which owns KPO as well as Balaclava and Wala Wala. Taken from this angle, I can’t even recognise this as a place in Singapore!

KPO (2)

There is indoor seating as well as outdoor. This was taken from the 2nd floor outdoor seating area.


See the Singapore Post sign?

KPO Cooked Food Combo

It seems that they serve cooked meals as well. Didn’t get to try any out for obvious reasons. Maybe next time.

KPO Cafe Bar

Killiney Road Post Office

1 Killiney Road Singapore 239518

Tel: 6733 3648

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