Tanjong Pagar - Page 5

St Andrew’s Dental Surgeons

Bet you didn’t see this post coming…. Actually, it is of utmost importance. In order to be able to eat well and enjoy the process of eating, would it not be vital that you maintain a healthy set of pearly whites? Yesterday
November 26, 2011

Tanjong Pagar Railway Station 2011

We have been visiting the Tanjong Pagar Railway Station (KTM Station) pretty frequently these past few weeks. As everyone knows, the rail services are expected to be moved to the Woodlands area come July 2011. At this point in time, on the
February 5, 2011

Stranded in Singapore

In my entire time in Singapore, I have never felt so lost and helpless as what happened yesterday. 6.30pm: It all started with us having to leave the office at about 6.30pm yesterday. The boss was going to City Hall and offered
January 15, 2011

Salta Parrilla Christmas Lunch

After having gone to Goodwood Park for Christmas Lunch 2 years in a row, we decided to try something else for a change. I had a really good time at Salta Parrilla the 1st time I went there and I had been
December 27, 2010

Chef Icon Nature Bakery revisited

After having nasi beriyani and ayam penyet at the Tanjong Pagar Railway Station, our usual habit is to go for coffee next. The nearest place is either the Highlander, or Chef Icon. After last week’s disastrous trip to Arbite, where the coffee
December 19, 2010
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