Let the Games begin!

August 8, 2010

You know, I was under the impression that very few Singaporeans are interested in the Inaugural Youth Olympic Games held in Singapore. The comments I hear from the average Singaporean has been pretty much negative.  It certainly didn’t help when the horrendous and cheesy YOG cheer was aired on TV, which just gave everyone more fodder for complaining. No one that I know of plans to go watch the Games!

So I thought I’d have a breeze getting tickets to watch the games. Guess what? The last I checked, almost ALL the tickets for the Gymnastics prelims and finals have been SOLD OUT! I had to contend myself with a ticket for the preliminaries at 11am on a weekday! If no one is going to watch the games, then WHO IS HOGGING THE TICKETS? I thought it might be the schools, so I asked a couple of teacher friends I have. They don’t even have any tickets themselves!

So despite all the bad comments floating around, maybe actually there are LOTS of people who ARE interested in YOG! Perhaps it’s the complainers and negative people who have been getting the air-time since it is human nature to notice and remember only the bad! Which does say something about the YOG branding and marketing team huh. Despite their efforts to publicise the YOG, all Singaporeans are hearing is the bad stuff.

Today I was invited to go watch the YOG Opening Ceremony preview. It blew my mind how packed the grandstands at the Floating Platform were. Despite no goodie bag (they were handing out souvenir ponchos though) there was still a massive number of people willing to attend the festivities.

So there you go. Let’s all give the inaugural Youth Olympic Games more credit and respect. Let’s all actually be happy and proud that Singapore is hosting the Youth Olympic Games. It’s going to be awesome!

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