Fitness First at Fusionopolis

May 5, 2012

Love the Fitness First Gym at Fusionopolis! As you can see from the pictures below, the pool looks so cool! It’s pretty big too and it was TOTALLY empty when I was there on a weekday. Unlike the other Fitness First swimming pools where people working in nearby offices can perv on you, there is no worry of that here. Actually, I kind of got a little anxious thinking what if I develop a cramp or something. No one would even know, but I suppose there are some security cameras somewhere although I couldn’t spot any. I love how the building designers have made the roof so artistic, kind of looks like a roof a stadium? That’s perhaps why the pool is green and not the usual blue, to mimic a football pitch? The best thing about this Fitness First pool for families is that there is a kids wading pool as well. Oh this would be the best Fitness First gym to sunbathe. Direct sunlight with very little shade, not that I advocate sunbathing.

Fitness First Pool at Fusionopolis Fitness First Pool at Fusionopolis (2) Fitness First Pool at Fusionopolis (3)


  1. Haha your photos have a mouse-over text that says Fusionopolis. I wanna visit this pool!

    • Hahaha okay so someone spotted that. I was too lazy to remove them. Sign up for the 3 day free pass and go with me, or I can bring you for free on weekends.

  2. It’s gorgeous but personally I would prefer a covered pool. Just too scorching hot sometimes. Wish there were olympic sized indoor pools in Singapore to protect from the rain and sun.

    p.s. aiyo…I am always forgetting to do the math 😉

    • I vaguely recall some fitness centre in Ngee Ann City has a indoor pool in there. Singapore Recreation Club has one too. Otherwise, there are some fitness first pools in town that are partially covered, although they are nowhere near olympic size.

      I was thinking what math you were talking about then I realised…. do you lose your comments if you forget to type the numbers?

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