Goodbye 2020!

December 31, 2020

It’s the last day of 2020! I’ve been completely swamped but I thought I should at least pen down something to mark the end of 2020!

Best wishes for 2021

It certainly has been one helluva tumultuous year for everyone thanks to COVID-19. I wanted to share my thoughts and what I experienced this year. However I also want to end off on a positive note so for now, I will just mention some skills/habits I picked up this year and hope to continue in 2021.

1. Exercise – The 4Q saw me picking up pace in terms of exercising. Thanks to a health fanatic friend, as well as wanting to minimise using the shuttle buses, I’ve increase the amount of time I spent walking. I also started visiting the gym again a few times. Things slowed a little during December due to many meet ups, but I shall pick up pace again in 2021.

2. This blog – You might have noticed that I pushed out numerous articles in the last few months. Once again, I hope to keep up and in fact ramp up the pace on this.

3. Social Media – My social media presence increased significantly, and I will continue to work towards making the growth exponential

4. Financial – After years of neglect, I finally delved into the stock market again this year. Also settled some other financial stuff. Hoping to do more next year.

5. Friends — Met up with so many people this year (surprisingly!), particularly in December. And even primary school friends whom I have not met in decades!

Well that’s all for now. Happy 2021 everyone! May 2021 be much better than 2020!!!

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