Miscellaneous - Page 10

Let the World Cup begin!

In order for 365days2play to join in the World Cup festivities, I have hired a consultant to provide a daily comment on the World Cup happenings. You can go to https://365days2play.com/best-places-in-singapore-to-watch-the-world-cup-2010-2/football-tip-of-the-day/ to read the comments if you are interested in football, or
June 11, 2010

You want to protest? Get a permit first!

Read this piece of news early today in the Straits Times. The first thought that struck me was, why are the authorities going all out to protect the rights of the big corporations? By not allowing this protest to be carried out
June 11, 2010

Eat with your family day

Tomorrow is Eat with your family day! As encouraged by the government, our company will also be letting us loose at 4.45pm tomorrow! Yippee!!!! Now, let me make a list of friends to call to join me in painting the town red!
May 26, 2010

Oil spill off Singapore after ships collide

Our very own oil spill in Singapore. Heh. Thanks a lot Bunga Kelana 3 and Wally!!!!! Even though I don’t live near the coastline (according to Singapore standards), I can still smell the acrid petroleum fumes! In my own house! Tell me
May 25, 2010

Goodbye Chinese dictionary!!!!

I threw away my Chinese dictionary last week. If you know me, I am a hoarder, so throwing away the Chinese dictionary was somewhat of an event. According to the decluttering rules, if you are never going to use it again, THROW
May 21, 2010
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