Too full to blog

February 12, 2011

I am too full to blog about food today. Seriously over-dozed on food. Lunch was a sushi set of $25 followed by dinner of $70. There’s no letting off the pressure over the weekend either. I’ve been invited to a pizza tasting session by a friend, followed by a Japanese restaurant, followed by a birthday lunch at a nice restaurant to celebrate my father’s birthday. If I’m too full after the pizza party, I may just have to ditch the Japanese restaurant meal until next week. It’s not as simple as that though because I could be taking a short trip overseas too.

This post will self-destruct in 12 hours.


    • What happened? Is it because you have to click on the post title now to access the comments box? I think that’s dumb too. I prefer the old way and I’ve no idea how to customise it so the comments can be seen naturally. But I like this theme so much so maybe I’ll wait a few days to see how.

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