Pre-Birthday Thoughts…

February 25, 2011

Because a birthday is only once a year, 1 day of celebrations just isn’t enough. This year, the Partner and I decided to take a few days off to really go wild with the celebrations. He goes wild with the paying, while I go wild in the luxuriating. We will stuff ourselves silly and do memorable things before I increase another digit to my age. On my birthday itself, we’re going to check into a nice hotel.

I’m feeling melancholic at this point in time, like I always do each year. There’s always this looking back and wondering if I’ve made good use of the year that’s past. Have I grown a year wiser, more knowledgeable and more capable? Frankly, I don’t feel my age at all. I feel 5 or even 10 years younger than my real age. 10 years ago I would have looked ahead and expected myself to be accomplished and settled by now. I feel old, but as is always the case, 10 years from now, I would once again look back and think how young I was in 2011!

Nevertheless, I shall remind myself to look forward, to always make the best use of my time, and to really live life like there’s no tomorrow. I wish myself more strength, courage, persistence and luck in getting all my life goals achieved.

7 Comments Leave a Reply

  1. Wishing you an incredibly happy birthday. Your plans sound wonderful and here’s to all your dreams coming true 🙂

    I tend to feel deeply melancholic before and after birthdays too. Can’t shake the feeling…know what you mean. I am sure you must be loads younger than I am. Even though I’m in my 40’s I feel like part of me is 20 something still.

    • Thank you so much!!!
      I read somewhere that we feel melancholic because we think of all the things we should have done by so and so age but haven’t. I certainly have a whole bucketload of things I wish I had done already. The idea that I have so much undone, gets me even more melancholic and it builds on itself. One of my goals now is to get rid of these regretful feelings and just move on!

      • you said it sister!!…that’s exactly how I feel too…I tell myself to just look forward but i can’t help looking back and regretting with hindsight. I guess all of us do it and a birthday is like a marker for us. But I do hope you enjoy yourself to the max and somehow manage to not be too down.

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