Where are the cafes on Sunday?

March 21, 2011

After our lovely brunch at the Botanic Gardens today, we decided to drive out and find a cafe somewhere in town. By the way did you notice how wonderful the weather was today? Even after ascending a steep hill, I did not break out into a sweat, it was that cooling!

We drove and drove and drove, and to our horror, all the cafes I knew off were closed on Sundays. We went past Chef Icon, Highlander and Broun Cafe, and they were all shuttered! Only 40Hands was open, but it was crowded as can be. We would have had to drink our coffees in the car! It’s crazy when you know how off the beaten path 40Hands is. Tiny Island mentioned that the newly opened Loysel’s Toy was also super crowded on the weekend when she went, and that too is off the beaten track.

Now I know that I said that the cafe scene is proliferating, but the Sunday Cafe scene is miserable! Cafes out there, we need you to open on Sundays! As you can see, cafes that stay open on Sundays are doing a roaring trade. Don’t lose out!

It seems a tad wasteful that there are wonderful cafes located in Shenton Way but they are all closed on Sundays and Saturdays even. I just wish there was a way to make it economical to open on Sundays. I know Shenton Way is a ghost town on the Weekends, as its the business district. But if I am searching for a cafe in town, surely there are others like me out there too?

What do you think? Would you go to Shenton Way to have a cuppa on Sunday?

8 Comments Leave a Reply

  1. I have been going caffeine free on Sunday. Hence, an investment on a good coffee machine should be our answer! 😉 BTW, there is a new cafe at Armenian St. called SoHo7. It was quiet when I was there on a Saturday afternoon. They are open on Sunday (though I have yet to check them out on a Sunday). Roast their own beans like Papa Palheta, but I still prefer the latter. Check them out 🙂

    • We have a plunger. But it’s also the thought of relaxing somewhere and living up the weekend feeling! I heard about SoHo7, thanks for reminding me about it. The idiotic thing is my old office was right smack across it and we moved before it opened!!!!!

  2. yeah i certainly know they are freaking busy.
    there is always jones in dempsey, cmpb in dempsey,the plains at duxton for good coffees and great brunch 🙂

    • Have you tried the brunch at The Plains? I’ve only tried the coffee there. Jones is good but a tad expensive. Have yet to try cmpb, thanks for the suggestion!

  3. Thanks for the blog love. I absolutely love Shenton way and desserted ghost towns in Singapore are rare. To me the emptier the better.

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