What is open during Chinese New Year 2012?

January 22, 2012

See What is open during CNY 2014!



Cold Storage / Jasons Market Place / Shop & Save

Shopping Centres/Airport

Changi Airport

  • Lots of shops and eateries open, some even for 24 hours. Changi Airport’s the best place to go if you don’t know where to go during the festive Chinese New Year period.
  • Wang Cafe, Killiney Kopitiam, Toast Box, Coffee Bean and McDonalds are open 24 hrs, but Yakun is not open for CNY.
  • See the opening hours of all the shops at Changi Airport

Raffles City Shopping Centre


ION Orchard

Plaza Singapura


  • 1st Day (23 Jan) — Closed
  • 2nd Day (24 Jan) — Closed
  • 3rd Day (25 Jan) — Open


  • 1st Day (23 Jan) — Closed
  • 2nd Day (24 Jan) — Closed
  • 3rd Day (25 Jan) — Open

Wisma Atria — Can’t find the information

CentrePoint — Can’t find the information. Looks like closed for both days.


Kopi and Coffee


Not able to find a nice list indicating the opening hours of the local kopi joints but if you click on the Shopping Centre links, you will find some of the kopi joints are open. Here are some I found but this is not the entire list.

  • Toastbox open @ Plaza Singapura, Changi Airport
  • Yakun — Closed even at Changi Airport, so I can quite confidently say that Yakun is not open for both days of Chinese New Year

Where to shop during Chinese New Year, where to eat during CNY or where to have kopi? Is Takashimaya open on CNY? Is ION Orchard open on CNY? Which shopping centres are open on Chinese New Year? Is Yakun open on Chinese New Year? Now you know….but please, spend some quality time with your family and relatives first!


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