Best Food Blog Finalist!!!

May 25, 2012

Dear readers of 365days2play Food and Travel Blog, I have great news to share! Yours truly managed to get selected as Singapore Blog Awards 2012 Best Food Blog Finalist!! The awards is organized by OMY of Singapore Press Holdings. That means I’m one of Singapore’s Top 10 Food Bloggers!!!! WAAAAA HOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!

I actually have no idea what prizes are up for grabs, but it’s not so much about the prizes that’s important, it’s about knowing that my blog is being appreciated by the general public! There’s no doubt that I love writing and sharing about all the good eats I’ve encountered, but it still feels good to know that people out there actually like reading about what I write!


So if you’ve enjoyed reading my blog, please vote for me 365days2play at  the Singapore Blog Awards and help 365days2play become Singapore’s Top Food Blog!!! 🙂 🙂 🙂

VOTE NOW! One vote allowed per day!!


    • Thank you. Good luck to you too! You are right to say that the journey is fun, I just made a few more friends today!

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