1.9 Others - Page 21

Ikea’s Daim Chocolate Cake

One of my favourite chocolate cakes doesn’t come from a top notch hotel, nor does it cost a bomb. It’s super decadent and super chocolatey. There are crunchy bits of caramel at the top, followed by a layer of milk chocolate, followed
July 24, 2010

Chin Mee Chin Confectionery

One of my favourite kaya bun places. These buns are soft and somewhat dense, which I think is a good way to enjoy kaya. I don’t really like the fluffy types because I feel like I am eating air. They are open
December 11, 2010

Hello New Office

At this point in time, this is about the only thing that I am looking forward to from the impending office move. I really hate to have to say good bye to City Hall! Today wasn’t exactly the best of days to
December 11, 2010

Goodbye Stamford House shops!

Stamford House as we now know it is no more. By today, all of the shops should have moved out of Stamford House as well as Capitol Building. The buildings will not be demolished, because they are heritage buildings. But I fear
November 28, 2010

Barracks Cafe

Finally made it to Barracks Cafe after having known about the place more than a year ago. It is yet another cafe in the Dempsey Hill area. It always surprises me how well packed the eateries at Dempsey Hill are. You practically
November 20, 2010

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