Awfully Chocolate

Awfully Chocolate Afternoon Tea

Awfully Chocolate is a household name when it comes to chocolate cakes. They started out as a hole in the wall shop in Katong Mall, retailing just 3 flavours of chocolate cakes. Sales boomed like mad, probably because the chocolate cakes on
August 7, 2013

JooJoo at Joo Chiat

Having previously read quite a number of ridiculously bad reviews on JooJoo, I wanted to see for myself if things could indeed be that bad. I’m no sadist, but sometimes, a bad experience may just boil down to that person’s personal preferences.
October 17, 2010

Awfully Chocolate

Never really understood the hype about Awfully Chocolate’s chocolate cake. It all started when the owner of the brand got tired of chocolate cakes that were less cake and more mousse and cream instead. I too hate the frivolous use of mousse
October 16, 2010

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