Chin Mee Chin Confectionery

December 11, 2010

One of my favourite kaya bun places. These buns are soft and somewhat dense, which I think is a good way to enjoy kaya. I don’t really like the fluffy types because I feel like I am eating air. They are open everyday except Mondays. They often run out of buns on Sunday afternoons because they don’t want to have left over buns which will not be sold on Monday. You still can get the flat square breads (like the Gardenia types) if the buns run out. I prefer the flat ones because they toast them longer.

Apart from kaya buns, Chin Mee Chin offers cream buns, Swiss Rolls, chiffon type cakes and cupcakes. The cupcakes are tiny little things that come in several different flavours:- Chocolate icing, almond, and plain. Other than these, CMC doesn’t offer much else. People still flock here nonetheless because this place is just so old school. It brings back memories of a simpler time. My father has been coming here for more than 30 years and knows the staff well. He was once even interviewed on TV when they happened to be doing a documentary on CMC!Chin Mee Chin Kaya Buns


Chin Mee Chin Confectionery

204 East Coast Road Singapore

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