East Coast Park Aerial View

February 26, 2011

Took some pictures of the East Coast Park area today. I love looking at the vast expanse of water. There is a sort of calming effect, just looking out at something so blue and unblocked. Once in a while, I need to come here, to get away from the built up areas of Singapore. I know, the numerous ships dotting the sea reduces the picturesque quality, but still, this is about as good as it goes in Singapore.

It was also interesting to see the rain pouring down in the city area. Marina Bay Sands was just a grey blur in the distance. Yet at the Changi area, it was as bright as can be.

East Coast Park Aerial View (6)

The McDonalds area of East Coast Park. Looks different from up here. There was some news recently that their rentals may not be renewed? Wonder what’s the latest news with that.

East Coast Park Aerial View (8)East Coast Park Aerial View (4)

You can see the rain coming in in the distance. Wonder what it is that causes the orangey sky.

East Coast Park Aerial View (5)

You can hardly see Marina Bay Sands in the rain.

East Coast Park Aerial ViewEast Coast Park Aerial View (7)

Yet bright as can be towards the Changi direction. Singapore may be small, but it’s still large enough to experience different weather in different parts of the island!

It would be wonderful to live in a condo and wake up to such views every morning. Unfortunately, since the East Coast Parkway Expressway is parallel to the East Coast Park and sea, the better your view of  the sea, the louder the noise of the expressway! The drone of the cars is quite audible. I have no idea how people living right next to the expressway tolerate the noise. They must have learnt to weed it out. I can’t imagine how I would do that, or if I would want to do that in the first place. I gues the best way is to choose a condo block that is not nearest the expressway. Yes the views will be blocked, but you still get some bits of view and much lesser sound. And don’t let me even get started on how dusty and dirty it must be to live next to the expressway. I wonder if people living next to the expressway go to the doctor more often?

The place I live at happens to face a small playground, and there are no major roads nearby. It’s pretty peaceful at night and I like it this way.  I can have my windows open at night and I often poke my head out to enjoy the cool night breeze. Still, Singapore is noisy compared to New Zealand. Lying in bed at night in New Zealand, it was so pitch black I couldn’t even see my hand. And get this, for the 1st time in my life, I realised my phone had a low buzz sound, audible because there were no cars around for miles.  In all the years that I’ve had a mobile phone, I’ve never realised it buzzed!

5 Comments Leave a Reply

  1. Nice pictures!
    I live beside an expressway too, and yes it IS noisy! Our windows are closed most of the time and we sleep in aircon 365 days. And I’ve also learnt, the higher you go, the noisier it is. ECP is at least nicer, there are lots of big trees that block off the noise and dust. Most expressways in SG are not like that. But I love my unblocked view of greenery 🙂

    • Hey! Thanks for stopping by my blog. You live in the Marine Parade area too? ECP is nice but wish we could have our cake and eat it, ie have the view minus the noise and dust!

  2. I wish too, but no, I’m beside the KJE! I like the shady trees that line the ECP. Accustomed to the noise now, when I sleep elsewhere, I find it too quiet!

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