May 2011 - Page 2

Daikokuya at myVillage

*Part Bloggers’ Invite, part secret visits* As part of the not so long ago invite to sample the delights of myVillage at Serangoon Gardens, the best of the best Singapore Food Bloggers including 365days2play 🙂 got acquainted with Daikokuya at myVillage. It’s
May 22, 2011

I love Steak

I’m going to do a full post on this restaurant sometime soon, but I can’t resist putting up the picture of this steak first! As much as I think it’s vital to eat enough vegetables and fruits, let’s face it, a picture
May 19, 2011

Hay Dairies

Did you know there is an Italian Organic dairy farm in Singapore? It’s TRUE!!! Well I tried to search for it on Monday. Vaguely remembered it to be located at Lim Chu Kang. Alas, just could not find it so to make
May 18, 2011

Breakfast fry-up

Have I got your attention yet?   We were deciding as to which of our favourite breakfast joints we should patronise when the Partner decided that he would personally prepare a cooked breakfast instead. It was an excellent idea not least because
May 17, 2011

365days2play goes local!

As you must be well aware if you’ve been following this blog, that most of my posts centre around restaurant and cafe visits. This is because on the weekends, I like to relax and enjoy my time by hanging out at such
May 16, 2011

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