August 2012

Kitchen Language Restaurants cook up a storm

Attended Far East’s Media Party held at Oasia Hotel opposite Novena MRT yesterday. It was a blast and I really enjoyed myself! You may be familiar with Far East Organization as a property and shopping mall developer, but did you know that
August 29, 2012

Zespri Kiwifruit Goodie Bag Giveaway!

Ok who’s up for another freebie contest??? I hope you’ve enjoyed the Kiwifruit posts that I have been inundating you with in the last 1 month. The good people of Zespri Kiwifruit have decided to reward you with some great goodies! Check
August 28, 2012

Bangkok Street Food

This will be a series of posts on my recent trip to Bangkok, the Capital of Thailand. The last time I was there for a holiday was way back in 2006. 6 years later, I feel that Bangkok has changed somewhat from
August 25, 2012

Andy Warhol: 15 Minutes Eternal Exhibition

Great news for fans of Andy Warhol who have yet to view the exhibition at the ArtScience Museum, the 15 Minutes Eternal Exhibition is being extended to 21 October 2012! Even better, the ArtScience Museum is dishing out FREE TICKETS for the
August 23, 2012
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