1.9 Others - Page 20

Ikea’s Daim Chocolate Cake

One of my favourite chocolate cakes doesn’t come from a top notch hotel, nor does it cost a bomb. It’s super decadent and super chocolatey. There are crunchy bits of caramel at the top, followed by a layer of milk chocolate, followed
July 24, 2010

Goodbye 2010!!! Happy New Year!!!

I feel as if I haven’t even fully celebrated Christmas yet and already it’s the last day of 2010! I like it to still be December, I don’t want January to come so fast!!! December exudes a holiday feeling, even if you’re
December 31, 2010

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas everyone! Hope you’re having a great one feasting with family and friends. Remember, there are 12 days of Christmas, so eat lots and party lots!!!1
December 25, 2010
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