Recipes and Cooking / Baking Tips - Page 8

Best Chocolate Brownies ever

These are not only the most delicious chcolate brownies ever, they are the easiest brownies ever! Mmmmmm……send me your address and I’ll send you a piece. Brownies are literally the easiest things to bake! Throw all your ingredients into a mixing bowl.
April 25, 2010

Honey Oat Cookies

I’ve been baking a lot but I still get a lot of misses. Every time I bake cookies, I never know if I’m going to get something that I can present to guests. The final products are almost always edible, but I
April 18, 2010

Lemon Chorizo Pasta

Today we cooked pasta for lunch. I love cooking pasta because its so easy and it helps us finish all the weird bits of vegetables or meat that we can’t fit into other meals. We have a very systematic way of cooking
March 31, 2010
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