Free entry to the Singapore museums till 4th January 2009

January 2, 2009

We went to the Singapore Art Museum (SAM) as well as the National Museum of Singapore (NMS) today. I never actually really thought about it, but they are almost situated next to each other, with SMU (Singapore Management University) between them.

We had lunch at Dome cafe at SAM, followed by a quick walk around SAM. I find that I really can’t appreciate abstract art, and I’ve totally given up on trying to understand them, not that I’ve tried very hard. But that’s the whole point. I want art to be nice, beautiful, dreamy, scenic. I don’t want to have to understand it. Art to me, is not for understanding! Art is for looking at!! Anyway, it seems half the building consists of abstract sculptures, or household items suddenly thrown together to become art. On the other hand, I totally enjoyed the Korean art exhibition.

Here are 2 exhibits I enjoyed very much. Pity I don’t remember the artists names.

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The Singapore Art Museum also has free entry from Monday to Friday from 12noon-2pm.

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