Updates on 365days2play

November 16, 2011

I’m back in Singapore ladies and gentlemen! I’ve been back from Norway for a week already and this is my first post post Norway! It’s funny how I managed to find energy to publish something nearly every single day while overseas, yet I go a whole week without writing anything once I’m back in Singapore. It really reinforces the idea that when you’re on a roll, don’t allow yourself to lapse! Not even once!

BTW, if you’re wondering where the Norway and Denmark posts are, they can be found at http://life.365days2play.com. It’s still work in progress in regards to the theme and layout, but I should get that sorted by the weekend. I’ve decided to allow https://365days2play.com to focus on food related blog posts while http://life.365days2play.com will be where you can read about my ramblings on life and travel. I feel like I have so much more to talk about than just food, but I didn’t want to have to subject my food only readers with my travel exploits, so with the new website, I get to enjoy the best of both worlds. YAY!

2 Comments Leave a Reply

  1. Awesome….your new website is going on my blogroll 🙂 Love that you have one solely on travel and your life 🙂 But I love your food one as well…..you always suss out the best new places 🙂

    Ya and it’s sooo true…that thing about being on a roll and once you stop posting you loose that momentum.

  2. Thanks, you are probably the 1st visitor ever to the new blog! I resolve to write at least one post a day! Oh btw it’s life.365 rather than live.365

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