March 2012

Bosch @ Savour 2012

*Media Invite* Before I begin the post proper, I just want to say that the highlight of the event was to be escorted under a huge 6 man umbrella by a cute umbrella bearer during the torrential downpour. What a sight indeed.
March 31, 2012

Savour 2012

Here’s a sneak peak of what’s in store at this year’s Savour 2012 held at the F1 Pit Stop. I got a chance to visit Savour courtesy of Bosch, and I’ll blog about that in the following post. In the mean time,
March 30, 2012

Brasserie Les Saveurs – Restaurant Week March 2012

After a not so spectacular Restaurant Week experience a year ago at Magma restaurant, I skipped the next Restaurant Week event. I wasn’t planning on going for this year’s Restaurant Week either, but when Amex sent me an enticing email saying ”PRORITY
March 25, 2012

Restaurant Week March 2012

Sunday 25 March 2012 last day of Restaurant Week for March 2012. Hope you have all made the best of it! If not, you may have to wait till October 2012 before Restaurant Week comes around again. For those of you who
March 25, 2012
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