Sky Garden at Fusionopolis

May 6, 2012

Fusionopolis (3)

After my gym session at Fitness First, I took the opportunity to enjoy the views from high above. There is a Sky Garden just outside Fitness First, but in order to enjoy it, I had to traverse the dreaded Sky Bridge! I’m a scaredy cat when it comes to bridges and high places! I don’t expect to read about bridges crashing to the ground in Singapore ever, but somehow, when I’m the one on the bridge, it just feels like it’s swaying so much and 1 last screw away from total disaster.

Fusionopolis (4)

Look at that bridge!!! 23 floor! URGH!!!! It was a good thing I hadn’t seen the bridge from down below or it would have looked so flimsy! See that orange board halfway along the bridge? It’s a map to tell you what you’re seeing in the distance. No time to stop for that of course.

Fusionopolis (8)

Finally crossed it without any incident ha. From this end, with the blue sky, the building looks quite pretty.

Fusionopolis (9)

This looks like a pretty patch of green. I’ve been keeping my eye out for nice outdoor solemnization venues in Singapore, and this looks like a nice little spot with a high view to boast of. I don’t think the rental would be much since it’s not a proper commercial space so to speak.

Fusionopolis (5)

Fusionopolis (6)

Not too sure what you’d do in this thing? Say I do?

Fusionopolis (2) Fusionopolis (10) Fusionopolis  Fusionopolis (11)

Working at Fusionopolis isn’t that bad either. You have the One-North MRT station at your door step. You can escape to the Sky Gardens for a breather and enjoy the panoramic views of Singapore. We may not have the most beautiful beaches, with all the ugly tankers dotted in the distance. But still I feel it is really therapeutic and relaxing to be able to gaze out into the blue waters, even if they are a distance away.

10 Comments Leave a Reply

  1. yea great meeting you too! we will prob bump into one another soon. anw i read on your blog that you are an investment analyst. which firm are you at? i go intern there next summer haha.

  2. Ahhh…that’s a great view from up there in the sky garden. it’s no so often we get such blue skies in Singapore. The serenity of it kinda belies the unbearable heat that we’re sometimes subjected to.

    • If not for the heat, I would think that Singapore has a remarkable number of parks and nature reserves to enjoy!

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