Cook for Family Initiative

August 7, 2012

As part of the Cook for the Family Initiative started by Daniel of DanielFoodDiary, I managed to roll up my sleeves to cook for the Partner last weekend. He’s normally the one who takes care of all the hot kitchen items, meaning the main meals, while I am in charge of the cold kitchen, aka desserts. Which really means that we have our dinner without dessert most of the time…

He was ill last week, which meant that I couldn’t procrastinate anymore. I may be quite confident when it comes to baking, because I’ve gone to baking school, but I get all nervous and irritable when it involves vegetables and meat. In fact, it’s a wonder why this is the case if you go by the number of cooking shows I watch!

I think this #CookforFamily Initiative is a great idea, and stemmed from the worry that we food bloggers might just be spending too much time dining and wining outside while neglecting to spend time eating with our family. This is our way to show our family members that we still care, via action and not just words.

This is what I cooked for the Partner. It’s definitely no Kylie Kwong or Jamie Oliver. But it was edible, healthy (relatively) and affordable. Better still, it’s kind of made me want to cook again.

Cook for Family - Fried egg with lightly fried vegetables

Tada! Fried egg with diced cauliflower, baby corn, onions and loads of garlic in pork stock.

I don’t even think I need to post a recipe, cuz my job was basically chopping up all the ingredients, and making sure they didn’t burn while frying them. The pork stock was made by the Partner a while back and frozen in little packets for such a purpose.

Enjoy the photos below. I really salute bloggers who are able to cook, plate beautifully and take great photos. I have no patience for taking good photos when I’m cooking as it just takes took long and I don’t have a nice table. I am told by the seasoned cook bloggers that it’s hard when you first start out but becomes a cinch after a while. Okay I’ll try again another time, perhaps when I get the plating right!

Cook for Family - Raw vegetables
Cook for Family - Raw vegetables Diced

Cook for Family - Fried Egg

Cook for Family (6)

2 Comments Leave a Reply

  1. haha. you did better than me. Mine was a side dish and a dessert.

    Suddenly, most food bloggers start cooking.

    Remind me of this phrase ‘If Yan can cook, so can you!’

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