Dulux Let’s Colour [Part 2] : What type of paint to get?

November 10, 2014

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When getting your rooms painted, most people would pay a lot of energy and effort into deciding what colours to choose. I for one am still thinking whether or not to go ahead with my original stately blue choice, or to go for a more neutral earthy tone, both of which I think would go really for the theme that I have in mind.

But one thing most people forget to think about, is the type of paint to get. Yes, you may have selected the colour, but times have changed! Gone are the days where paint is just a coating on the wall that happens to have a colour. Nowadays, paint comes with magical scientific properties that you would have not thought possible, I kid you not! For example, if your walls have many imperfections like cracks, you ought to try the the Dulux Pentalite  paint. If you want some help making your tiny rooms look just that bit bigger, Dulux Light & Space with Lumitec is what you want. For indoor spaces, these are the following paints that you can get from Dulux.

  • Dulux All (all in one)
  • Dulux Wash & Wear (Repels tough stains)
  • Dulux Pure (with air cleansing properties)
  • Dulux Light & Space with Lumitec technology (makes rooms look bigger)
  • Dulux Pentalite (hides walls imperfections)
  • Dulux Weathershield (protection against the weather)

Dulux Paint types (2)

Dulux Paint types (1)

That Dulux Light & Space with Lumitec technology sure sounds like it was taken out of a page from Harry Potter’s world, but in actual fact, how it works is that it has properties which allows it to reflect up to twice as much light than normal emulsion wall paint, which makes the walls look brighter and hence larger. I’m sure most HDB dwellers would be keen to consider that.

I won’t be going for the Dulux Light & Space though. Although my rooms are also HDB sized, I am lucky that due to the layout of the flat, all my rooms already receive bright sunshine throughout the day. I can’t imagine it getting any brighter, so I’ll be going for another type of paint to solve another ”pesky” problem that I recently discovered.

You know I recently moved into my new place, and before that, when I was living in my parent’s place, I never paid attention to the walls, floors, furniture or whatever. But ever since I had to fork out MY OWN MONEY, I became acutely aware of any imperfection in the house. It so happens the Husband moved into the new place 1 month earlier as I had too much junk to sort out and I wanted to do that first before I moved. On the first day that I moved in, suitcases and all, I discovered a horrible greyish smear on the wall in front of the writing desk. I was like WHAT ON EARTH, and I gave the Husband the GLARE. First he said ”Eh how did that get there”, then he quickly said ”It wasn’t me”, and scuttled into the room to escape. Well if not him then who?

I went to investigate and I discovered that our expensive ergonomic cloth covered black chair was the cause of the grey mark, every time some one swivelled too close to the wall! For the first time in my entire life, I discovered that furniture has the tendency to leave its mark on the walls, no pun intended! It couldn’t be cleaned off with a damp cloth, in fact it merely made the grey patch larger. I had to go and take an eraser to erase the mark manually, followed by some strong detergent. Can’t imagine what it would be like when my parents decide to rearrange their old furniture around the house, they’d probably find the white walls very patchy! And the stains would have penetrated the paint film over time, making it even more difficult to remove. Urgh!


Thank goodness Dulux will be giving my room a new paint job, so that gets rid of the grey blotch easily. And thank goodness it will be Dulux Wash & Wear paint with KidProof Technology that repels tough stains, making cleaning easy. This paint is not just for people with kids in the house. It’s also for perfectionists or OCD people like me who can’t imagine any sort of stain on the walls. And it could come in the form of spilt red wine, splashed chilli/ketchup/gravy, old furniture stains, mud, the problems are endless! You can also call this wonder paint the Dulux Wash & Wear paint with AdultSanityPreservation Technology. (Copyrighted by me hor…Smile)

In fact, this Dulux Wash & Wear paint with KidProof Technology does more than just make cleaning easy, it also does the following:

  • Repels tough stains
  • Washable & Easy cleaning
  • Keeps colours looking fresh longer
  • Low odour, even when freshly painted
  • Environmentally preferred paint (meets eco standards by SGLS and no added lead/mercury)

Dulux Protective paint film

It’s the protective paint film that prevents stains from penetrating, making cleaning simple. See the image above? You can tell that the lower half has been painted with Dulux Wash & Wear, hence the liquids do not seep in. I had the opportunity to touch the two halves, and I must say there really is a difference.

Dulux Wash & Wear - Wiping stains off

You can see how easy it is to clean too. This is after just one swipe of the wet cloth with mild detergent, and already the stain is reduced by more than half.

Watch this Dulux Wash and Wear product demonstration video to be convinced on how easy it is to clean up.

I know you might be thinking that you can just spend more effort to clean the wall rather than to have to use the Dulux Wash & Wear, but don’t forget, too much cleaning will result in your paint going dull, and I’m sure you wouldn’t want to be penny wise pound foolish? In fact, let me do the mathematics for you.

Dulux Wash & Wear paint for 4 room flat = Approx $100 more than conventional paint


Panadol for Headache from seeing shocking stains on the wall =$10

Doctor’s visit and painkillers for backache from having to scrub the wall = $40

Treating your colleague to lunch for covering you while you were on MC = $20

Treating your Boss to lunch so he doesn’t give you hell for the MC = $20

Total cost = $100!!!!!

Looking at the math above, the knock on effects of choosing the wrong paint can be pretty costly as well. And that is assuming this only happens once, what if it happens several times a year, or month??

Do the math for yourselves and remember to choose a paint that suits your lifestyle needs, or the hidden costs might just come back to haunt you. Smile

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Dulux Let’s Colour!

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www.dulux.com.sg    www.letscolour.com   www.colourfutures.com 

Read my article on How to choose the perfect paint colour

Quote the discount code : DH550 for Dulux Professional Painting Service at 6265 0677 to get an additional $30 off the painting packages

Dulux Discount Voucher

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