Newborn Photography with Bambini Photography

May 29, 2016

If you have been following my blog, you might have noticed that things have been a little different in this household for several months now. I had planned to make a proper introduction/announcement however in the name of wanting it to be perfect, the post ended up getting delayed. And of course there was the initial sleepless nights trying to handle this new gift. Oh well, now is just as good a time as any other so let me just get the introductions done!

Everybody, meet Edward! Our lovely baby boy born on February 2016!



Isn’t he a cutie? We certainly think so! Smile Smile

The last few months have really been a whirlwind of activity, from trying to get the hang of breastfeeding, to changing diapers, to preventing projectile poop, bathing a squirming octopus, and entertaining the baby to feed his growing brain, all this while still feebly attempting to clutch at our fast fading former lifestyle. Some parents hit the ground running, but I’ve come to realise I need a lot of me time in order to feel sane, of which I’ve had the luxury of enjoying for so many years. So I’ve had to really play catch up in the multi-tasking department and not fritter away time unnecessarily.

Back to the topic on newborn photography. As they say, babies grow so fast and I wanted to be able to capture Edward’s cute newborn looks to reminisce in the future. Sad to say despite having taken thousands of food photos, human photography is something I’m not that confident in. Not that I can’t take photos of people of course, but I just wanted it to be absolutely picture perfect! So we decided to get pictures of Edward done by the professionals.

I actually spent quite a number of days scouring the websites of various photography firms before finally whittling it down to Bambini Photography based on the look and feel of the photos that I saw, plus pricing. Frankly, newborn photography is not cheap, most websites I saw were in the price range of about $500 — $1300, and the higher the pricing, the more stuff they tend to throw in such as more printed photos or longer photo shooting hours. But it’s now or never and I didn’t want to regret in the future not having any photos to commemorate Edward’s birth.

My parents, the Partner and I had a pretty good time during the 2 hour photoshoot. The photo studio is very cosy and conducive for taking photos. On the day we were there, we were the only customers so we had the whole place to ourselves. Our photographer was also very friendly and patient with the baby. At one point the baby was crying inconsolably (as they often do without any reason!) and our photographer patiently soothed him on her own without us having to step in (hey any help in this department is fully appreciated!).

Anyway, here are more photos of Edward. Enjoy! Btw if you think that Edward looks slightly older than the usual newborn, well that’s because we had the photos done at 6 weeks, rather than within the 1st two weeks.





Bambini Photography has their own props but we brought some extras just for fun. This picnic basket and the world map cloth below were ours.



Their pilot cap went so well with our world map, don’t you think?






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Bambini Photography

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