å®´ Yàn Restaurant at National Gallery

September 27, 2016

If you’ve been wanting to dine at the upmarket Yan Restaurant at the National Gallery but have been holding back because of the cost, here’s your chance to check out Yan. From now until 31 October, Yan will be featuring 25 double-boiled soups prepared during time honoured recipes. Each bowl of soup costs only $13.80++ and comes with a bowl of fragrant crispy rice. On any one day, 5 pre-determined soups will be available on weekly rotational basis. However, if you have a particular soup in mind, you can call in the day before to have it reserved. Scroll to the end for the entire list of the 25 soups.

Yan Cantonese Cuisine (6)


Double-boiled Duck with Parsnip and Dried Orange Peel

I had the opportunity to sample 5 soups a couple of weeks back. The soups are chock full of ingredients and are pretty light tasting, ie not the thick with collagen kind. Personally, I would prefer stronger tasting soups. I would also have preferred the rice portion to be larger, because I enjoyed the soup even more with the rice.  I actually like chomping on some rice while drinking soup, I feel it somehow adds to the flavour, probably because there’s some textural thing going on, especially so with crispy rice.

Yan Cantonese Cuisine (2)


Double-boiled Frog with Conpoy and Winter Melon 

Yan Cantonese Cuisine (4)


Double-boiled Sea Whelk and Black Garlic

Yan Cantonese Cuisine (5)


Double-boiled Hashima with Radix astragali and Codonopsis Pilosula

Yan Cantonese Cuisine (3)


Double-boiled Chinese Cabbage with Yunnan Ham 

Yan Cantonese Cuisine (7)

Fragrant Crispy Rice

Scroll down for the entire list of the 25 soups available. If you’ve no idea what you want, just go for the recommended TCM advice that you require!

While you’re at Yan, you might want to check out a few other dishes to make the evening more indulgent.

Yan Cantonese Cuisine (8)

Signature Crispy Roast Suckling Pig served in 3 ways (crispy skin, carved shoulder, & oven-baked fillet with lemongrass) ($124++/half portion, $248++/full portion)

Yan Cantonese Cuisine (9)

Crispy Skin

Yan Cantonese Cuisine (10)

Carved Shoulder

Yan Cantonese Cuisine (12)

oven-baked fillet with lemongrass

Yan Cantonese Cuisine (11)

Steamed Thousand Layer Beancurd with Diced Honey-glazed Pork, Conpoy, Mushroom and Ginko Nuts ($22++/small, $33++/medium, $44++/large)

Yan Cantonese Cuisine (13)

Braised Duo Vermicelli with Fresh Crabmeat, Bean Sprouts, and Golden Pumpkin Sauce ($28++)

Soup Prosperity Feast Menu — $13.80 per soup with a bowl of fragrant crispy rice

1. 滋补炖响螺 (滋补飬颜)
Double-boiled Sea Whelk
Improves skin complexion

2. 人参炖鸡 (提神补气)
Double-boiled Chicken and Ginseng
Improves alertness and mental concentration

3. 黑虎掌炖鸡 (延年养寿)
Double-boiled Chicken and Hei Hu Zhang Mushroom
Boosts body vitality

4. 佛手瓜炖明目鱼 (明目清热)
Double-boiled Chayote Soup with Dried Pollack Fish
Supports visual acuity

5. 肘子菜胆炖北菇 (滋阴润肺)
Double-boiled Chinese Cabbage with Yunnan Ham
Nourishes yin’ in lungs

6. 乌豆炖生斑 (滋补活血)
Double-boiled Fish Soup with Black Bean and Black Dates
Promotes blood circulation

7. 黑蒜炖海螺 (增强免疫力)
Double-boiled Sea Whelk and Black Garlic
Strengthens immune system

8. 霸皇花炖无花果 (滋润清肠胃)
Double-boiled Night Blooming Cereus and Dried Fig
Nourishes and clears toxins in lungs and stomach

9. 土伏岺粟米炖鸡 (帮助消化)
Double-boiled Chicken with China Root and Fresh Corn
Improves digestion

10. 虫草花炖水鸭 (固本培元)
Double-boiled Duck and Coydyceps
Restores and invigorates overall health

11. 猴头菇炖黑鸡 (滋补飬颜)
Double-boiled Black Chicken and Monkey Head Mushroom
Improves skin complexion

12. 金银菜炖鸭肾 (清肺补䝨)
Double-boiled Fresh & Dried Chinese Cabbage with Dried Duck Gizzard
Nourishes lungs and kidneys

13. 白果胡椒炖猪肚 (去风䃼胃)
Double-boiled Pig Stomach with Pepper and Gingko
Clears stomach heatiness

14. 芫茜果皮炖鸭 (防伤风感冒)
Double-boiled Duck with Parsnip and Dried Orange Peel
Prevent and treat colds

15. 海中宝 (提气明目)
Double-boiled Fish Maw with Sea Cucumber and Sea Whelk
Increases energy and improves vision

16. 川芎鱼王 (去风定神)
Double-boiled Fish with Szechuan
Improve mental alertness and stamina

17. 胡椒根炖啦啦 (去湿暖胃)
Double-boiled Baby Clam with Pepper
Calms and warms stomach

18. 西洋菜鱼生斑 (清热下火)
Double-boiled Fish with Watercress
Clears excess body heatiness

19. 黄豆凉瓜炖猪腱 (清理肠胃)
Double-boiled Pork with Soya Bean
Improves spleen functions

20. 沙参玉竹炖响螺 (降压解热)
Double-boiled Sea Whelk with Ladybell Root and Yu Zhu
Lowers blood pressure

21. 北芪党参炖雪蛤 (滋补飬颜)
Double-boiled Hashima with Huang Qi and Dang Shen
Improves skin complexion

22. 柴鱼瑶柱炖节瓜 (益胃生津)
Double-boiled Conpoy with Dried Fish and Melon
Nourishes stomach functions

23. 老黄瓜炖章鱼 (清热解毒)
Double-boiled Yellow Cucumber with Dried Octopus

24. 乌豆杜仲排骨 (强身健体)
Double-boiled Pork Rib with Du Zhong and Black Bean
Increases strength and stamina

25. 荷叶冬瓜瑶柱炖田鳮 (消暑清热)
Double-boiled Frog with Conpoy and Winter Melon
Clears excess body heatiness

Add me on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter if you want to be kept up to date with the latest happenings in the food and lifestyle scene in Singapore!

Yí n

#05-02 1 St Andrew’s Road, 02 National Gallery, Singapore 178957

Call (65) 6384 5585
Email reserve@yan.com.sg
Book online via CHOPE

Website : www.yan.com.sg

Operating Hours :
11.30am – 2.30pm (Lunch)
6.00pm — 10.30pm (Dinner)

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