Marriott Christmas Party 2017

December 24, 2017

Hope you guys are enjoying the festive long weekend! Here are some pictures of the party we had at Singapore Marriott Tang Plaza hotel a couple of weeks back! Don’t you just wish that Christmas were longer? There’s so many festive things to see and do, and yet so little time!

Marriott Christmas Party 2017 (12)

Marriott Festive Spread

Marriott Christmas Party 2017 (1)

Marriott Christmas Party 2017 (11)

Marriott Christmas Party 2017 (2)

Marriott Christmas Party 2017 (3)

Marriott Christmas Party 2017 (5)

Marriott Christmas Party 2017 (6)

Marriott Christmas Party 2017 (7)

Marriott Christmas Party 2017 (10)

Marriott Christmas Party 2017 (9)

Marriott Christmas Party 2017 (13)

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