1.3 Casual Restaurants - Page 22


There are precious few vegetarian restaurants around, much less those which are good. I’m so glad to report that one such vegetarian restaurant exists and it is located in the East, specifically East Coast Road! It’s the row of shophouses just opposite
October 22, 2012

Itacho Sushi Restaurant

Had a nice lunch at Itacho Sushi Restaurant a few days ago with an ex-colleague. It was only my second visit to Itacho. I know that a number of people swear by Itacho, but my first visit to Itacho roughly a year
August 19, 2012

Bobby’s Taproom.Grill.Bar

It’s been a long time since I’ve been to Chijmes. To think that at one point in time, because my office was so nearby, we would visit the restaurants at Chijmes at least a few times a month! The 3 restaurants we
August 17, 2012
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