1.4 Cafes - Page 30

Espresso Bar 是

This is 365days2play reporting from Seoul today. 🙂  I’ve heard much about the cafe culture in Seoul so I decided to check it out for myself. It is true that you can find a cafe on every street corner in town. I
November 13, 2013


Finally made a trip down to Arbite after knowing about its existence for several months. It’s located at Serangoon Gardens. I can’t quite grasp Serangoon Gardens. It seems to want to be hip and young, which is why it has these cafes
December 26, 2010

Chef Icon Nature Bakery revisited

After having nasi beriyani and ayam penyet at the Tanjong Pagar Railway Station, our usual habit is to go for coffee next. The nearest place is either the Highlander, or Chef Icon. After last week’s disastrous trip to Arbite, where the coffee
December 19, 2010

Robert Timms at Borders

A few weeks ago, my taxi zoomed past Wheelock and I caught a glimpse of the new Robert Timms cafe. I hadn’t realised that it had taken over the old Borders Cafe until Tiny Island mentioned it. I know the brand Robert
December 5, 2010

The Plain. Cafe

My wish came true! The Craig Road Tanjong Pagar area finally has a cafe! Only a few months ago, I was at Craig Road and lamenting the lack of a nice laid-back cafe in a place as nice as this. And Voila!
December 4, 2010

Canelé Pâtisserie Chocolaterie

Canele is finally back at Raffles City again. In fact, most of the restaurants and eateries are now open, except for the bit next to the the original fountain where Out of the Pan used to be. The basement is so changed
November 21, 2010
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