1.4 Cafes - Page 8

Assembly Coffee 2016–Closed

It’s been 2 years since Assembly Coffee opened at Evans Road. How time flies! I remember I was so happy to have a 3rd wave cafe opening near my work place, and since then, Singapore has been inundated, with cafes galore. What
January 17, 2016

St Marc Bakery and Bar

Most people know about St Marc Cafe as it can be easily found in popular malls such as Raffles City or Vivocity. But have you heard of St Marc Bakery and Bar at Parkland Green ECP? I believe it’s the only outlet
August 27, 2015

Percolate renovated!

My friendly neighbourhood cafe has grown up! It is now twice as big as what it used to be after the law firm next door moved out. The layout is such that the two sides are somewhat separated by a partition wall,
June 8, 2015
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