Miscellaneous - Page 4

St Andrew’s Dental Surgeons

Bet you didn’t see this post coming…. Actually, it is of utmost importance. In order to be able to eat well and enjoy the process of eating, would it not be vital that you maintain a healthy set of pearly whites? Yesterday
November 26, 2011

Welcome to Potong Pasir Constituency Signboard

First saw this on Alvinology, hope he doesn’t mind that I borrowed his photograph. Anyway, I thought it was important to share this with anyone who might stumble upon my blog. Do take your photo with the Welcome to Potong Pasir Constituency
May 10, 2011

Meiji Milk

  Did you know that Meiji Milk is a product of Thailand? I’d always thought that the milk came from cows born and bred in Japan! I’ve always liked the milk from Meiji for its particularly unique taste. Can’t quite put my
May 10, 2011

Under the weather….

I’m suffering from a horrible cold right now. Half my head is clogged and my nose is like an uncontrollable tap which decides to turn on and off without warning. To make things worse, I still have a huge meeting to attend
April 28, 2011
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