canapes - Page 2

The Royal Mail

When it comes to dining with the Partner, I am usually the one who provides the suggestions. So for once, he surprised me and suggested we might like to try out The Royal Mail, a new restaurant and bar within the Ascott
May 28, 2012

Bosch @ Savour 2012

*Media Invite* Before I begin the post proper, I just want to say that the highlight of the event was to be escorted under a huge 6 man umbrella by a cute umbrella bearer during the torrential downpour. What a sight indeed.
March 31, 2012

Goodwood Park – L’Espresso

Me and my afternoon tea. Nothing puts me in a better mood than the idea of having some English afternoon tea. If I had my way, I would have it every day 🙂 I think the Goodwood Park serves one of the
April 26, 2011

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