
Craftsmen Specialty Coffee Siglap Revisited

Since my first visit to Craftsmen Specialty Coffee at Siglap, I’ve been back a couple of times especially at night after dinner at one of my favourite cze char outlets nearby. It’s a nice cafe to go to because it is more
February 25, 2015

My Awesome Cafe

Took the day off on Monday and decided to go cafe hopping with the Partner and my mother. I realise it was a hilariously botched up attempt, definition-wise, because in the entire afternoon that we were out, the combined total of caffeinated
May 14, 2014

Craftsmen Specialty Coffee

The cafes have heeded my call and are now slowly popping up in the Eastern part of Singapore! Check out this new Craftsmen Specialty Coffee, which opened just a couple of weeks back at Siglap V, opposite the old Siglap Centre. It’s
April 19, 2014
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