Ice-cream - Page 5

Regent Hotel Weekend High Tea Buffet

I’ve always loved the 3 tiered service afternoon tea at the Regent Hotel Singapore on weekdays. Been there a number of times. It’s always nice to sit back and relax over a cuppa and have some nibbles. The reason why I liked
May 7, 2011

Real Food at Central

I’m always on the look out for places which serve organic, healthy and delicious food and I was shocked to discover that one such place exists at The Central since last year! As you know, I used to work around that area
May 2, 2011

Goodwood Park – L’Espresso

Me and my afternoon tea. Nothing puts me in a better mood than the idea of having some English afternoon tea. If I had my way, I would have it every day 🙂 I think the Goodwood Park serves one of the
April 26, 2011

Breakfast Buffet at Conrad Oscars

Breakfast was included as part of the Conrad Singapore Hotel package we booked for my birthday last month. I have a love hate relationship with breakfast buffets. In order to get a good seat and have lots of time to go for
March 19, 2011


There’s something strangely fun with having an ice-cream fondue. You know the chocolate fondue fountains that hotel restaurants are so fond of displaying? After a certain number of greedy guests have had a go at sticking fruits, marshmallows, chocolate bits and what
October 2, 2010
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