joo chiat

Free Cooking Classes!

Yes you heard me right. Free cooking classes from Weber! Weber is an American company specialising in grills and cooking systems, and they have recently opened a store and training centre in Joo Chiat Singapore. ANYONE can sign up for the free
March 22, 2017

Oh Deli (Cafe) at East Coast Road

Oh Deli is one of those places I simply have to recommend as it seems to be off the radar of most cafe hoppers, even though the food served is really value for money. The reason it is off the radar is
November 6, 2014

Sinpopo Brand

It’s interesting how cafes are falling over themselves trying to come up with the quirkiest and most ”non-cafe” kind of names you can think of. The latest to join the bandwagon of wacky names are cafes such as Relational Goods, Penny University
June 23, 2013
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