Sentosa - Page 5

Quayside Isle Sentosa Cove

After my birthday lunch today at Il Lido Sentosa Golf Club, we decided to swing by the latest enclave in town, or should I say out of town, the Quayside Isle at Sentosa Cove. It’s definitely worth a visit because the place
February 25, 2013

Boxing Crab Restaurant

Last month, I had the opportunity to try out a wonderful seafood restaurant. It’s a new seafood restaurant located in Sentosa itself, situated behind the Underwater World and next to the Shangri La Rasa Sentosa Resort . Imagine dining amidst the evening
October 17, 2012

Sentosa Siloso Beach BBQ

In conjunction with Sentosa’s 40th anniversary celebrations, I was invited to attend Sentosa’s BBQ by the Beach pre-launch party last Thursday. You can attend too but you have to be quick because this special BBQ will only be on until 22 July
July 14, 2012
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