Super Saturday!

May 15, 2010

Man I planned to do so many things today. The day started promisingly enough. I woke up at 9 am, in part thanks to the digging outside my window. I switched on the computer and while waiting for it to boot up, I put the clothes into the washing machine. I put on a kettle to boil and a teabag into the teapot. Everything was going just right!

Then I sat down at the table and logged into WordPress. I started a new post. And then blank. I had nothing to write! No inspiration at all. I had wanted to have a food blog for so long, how could I just run out of steam so quickly? I opened up the folder to my old pictures, hoping to get an idea there. But looking at those decadent food pictures so early in the morning repulsed me. Wait a minute. How can a food blogger be repulsed by pictures of food?

Well, no point to just sit there so I surfed the net in the end, loading up on the latest world affairs. Then I had lunch, the KFC rice porridge mentioned earlier. Then I dragged myself out of the house to meet AA. And so here I am, typing away at Coffee Club at Millenia Walk. Going to go to the new extension, Parco at Marina Bay to take a look. The nice thing about Millenia Walk is that the shops are so different from the mainstream malls. And Millenia Walk seems to have a whole slew of shirt shops, which just sets my heart racing.

Spiffy shirts are the flavour of the month for me. I just collected my tailored shirt from CYC and I’m raring to go again! I’m just so sick of the ugly designs at G2000. They have frills all over the place and the worst part is that the material is lousy. Iron it at too high a heat and the shirt starts fraying! Two of my shirts met their demise in this way. But tell me, how is one to wear an un-ironed shirt to work? And I didn’t even have it on high, I practically had it on the silk setting. The only reason why I still shop there is because their sizes fit me. I love the designs and material at Raoul, but for some reason, 16 is way too small for me yet 18 makes me look like a monkey, a very sloppy one. Raoul also puts some hard cardboardy thing around the collars, but the stiffness of it causes me to tense up my neck muscles and I get a neckache. Sounds crazy but I assure you it’s true.

Wow how the theme of this post has changed. I thought this would be a ranty depressing post, but now I just want to get out of Coffee Club and start shopping!!!!! Shirts here I come!

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