Rotten Eggs and what you can learn from them

June 13, 2010

Ever since I decided to go all out to revive this blog, I haven’t been baking that much. Any spare time is used to think of what to write next instead of what to bake next. I have to find a way to include baking into my life again. At one point in time, I was even baking bread almost everyday. Granted I used the bread machine, but effort and time is still needed. Let’s see if I can bake and blog at the same time.

After perusing so many people’s blogs, I noticed that my favourite bloggers love to eat brunch! When I see pictures of scrambled eggs, or for that matter any breakfast food (except oats!) I feel like immediately making a reservation at the cafe featured. With the proliferation of cafes serving all sorts of breakfast options, breakfast has finally ascended the throne and is to be accorded the same respect as lunch and dinner! As much as I like the idea of having brunch, I actually haven’t dined at any of the major places renown for their brunch dishes, save except Cedele. In the upcoming posts, I shall make a list of the best brunch places in Singapore and where to find Singapore’s best brunch deals. Brunch Sunday, Brunch Saturday, brunch everyday!

I wasn’t keen on getting out of the house early today to go for brunch either (the England match was at 2.30am…) so I decided to cook my own omelette on toast. Today, I learnt new things about eggs.

The 1st thing I learnt was that if you crack an egg and flecks of cheese looking things come out, the egg is rotten. If the flecks don’t alarm you enough, the sulphuric gases hitting your nose 3 seconds later will certainly confirm that the egg is indeed rotten. Throw the egg away.

The 2nd thing I learnt was that if your eggs are already several weeks old (and very near being in the rotten stage), have 2 bowls when cracking eggs. First you crack the egg into the testing bowl. If it is fine, you may put that egg into the big bowl. Repeat again for all other eggs. My 1st egg was fine, until I cracked the 2nd egg which was the rotten egg into the same bowl. And then I had to throw away both eggs instead of just the rotten egg.

The 3rd lesson is probably that I should stock up on fresher eggs but since I hardly cook, I feel bad if I periodically throw otherwise good eggs away. So when it comes to eggs, I am never sure if mine are not rotten. The Partner once told me that I would be able to spot a rotten egg a mile away, and indeed I realise how today. And I have been faithfully using this ”rule” to guide me on whether the eggs are safe to eat.

So……….. I continued to make my omelette. Yes using one of the last few remaining eggs from the same batch….. maybe less desperate people would not have done this. But then again, I happen to have a really strong stomach. So readers, you are not advised to do this at home.

The next egg was fine, so maybe the last one was really the only rotten egg. And I proceeded to make a 1 egg omelette with parmesan cheese, pepper and salt. The egg fried up beautifully. It was the most beautiful omelette I have ever cooked. It was so fluffy and just the right golden brown. It was a wonderful breakfast.

And the 4th and final lesson I learnt? Put lots and lots of oil and your egg will puff up like you’ve never seen, and that’s why food is uglier and less tasty when cooked at home because we are just not willing to put that much oil and salt!

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