Daniel Boulud db Bistro Moderne Singapore

January 5, 2011

Daniel Boulud Yankee Burger

We were at Marina Bay Sands yesterday and fretting over what to have for lunch. My cousin had a birthday celebration at Ku De Ta some weeks ago, but being a scaredy cat who is afraid of heights, I didn’t want to have to scale the 65 floors without a super special occasion as reason. I’d heard about the opening of Rasapura Masters (the Foodcourt) from Tiny Island (the mall spy) so we thought we’d try it out, even if it costs $14 for a bowl of prawn noodles, or was it $17?

Enroute, we went past a nice stretch with 2 restaurants with really cool looking exteriors. One was Osteria Mozza and Pizzeria Mozza, owned by the famous Mario Batali, and the other was Daniel Boulud db bistro moderne, owned by ….Daniel Boulud. Rasapura Masters went out the window and we stood there wondering whether to go to Mozza or Daniel Boulud.

db Bistro Moderne (2)

Daniel Boulud won after we looked at the brunch menu so we went in. According to the Marina Bay Sands website, originally from Lyon, France, it is in New York that Daniel Boulud’s name has become synonymous with fine dining. His Manhattan restaurant Daniel, is considered one of the ten best in the world. The interior was equally delightful. I loved the woody and heavy decor. There were booth seats, table seats and high sofa seats.

db Bistro Moderne Seating Area

db Bistro Moderne bread basket

A restaurant that serves a bread basket is nice. What is even better is if the bread tastes good. DB Bistro Moderne provided us 3 lovely types of bread. My favourite was the right one. It must be the cousin of croissant because it had a really wonderful buttery taste to it. It looks like the simple baguette you can get from any neighbourhood bakery, but tastes 10 times better. Why can’t we get bread this good outside? I wanted to finish it but then i had to leave space for my main course. The middle piece of bread had a really interesting flavour. It must have been the cousin of the pretzel because I could have sworn the flavour was just like a pretzel even if the texture obviously wasn’t.

db Bistro Moderne Omelette Espagnole (2)db Bistro Moderne Omelette Espagnole

Omelette Espagnole $19 — The Partner had this dish of eggy goodness. The omelette was very light and fluffy. The ingredients are not cooked within the omelette but are instead placed on top of it. The caramelised onions were very light and sweet, and together with the salty chorizo, they brought a new dimension to the otherwise plain omelette. I really liked the breakfast potato cubes too. They were crispy on the outside while still retaining their potato flavours. A simple salad was also provided on the side. A couple of token cherry tomatoes split in half would have given some colour to the also plain heap of salad leaves

Daniel Boulud Yankee Burger - Copy

db Bistro Moderne dips (2)


















NY Yankee Burger $20 — You know I have never figured out how to properly eat a burger after al these years. The minute I slice into one, everything falls apart and I end up eating it like how you would tackle a steak on a plate. Anyway it was worth the effort since the burger was so good. At first, I thought the minced beef patty was overcooked. The outer layers were charred and pretty tough. However, after I got past the outer rim, soft moist and juicy mince awaited me. There was hardly any gristle or fat in the mince so they must have used pretty good parts of the cow. They also provided 3 different types of dips: mustard, tomato sauce and mayonnaise. I suppose this is why
DB Bistro Moderne isn’t a pure French restaurant, but a fusion one, as French chefs can be particularly brutal to diners who request for tomato sauce.

db Bistro Moderne caffe latte

Cafe Latte — Quite good I have to say. Intense without being too bitter. And a good sized cup too. I finished most of it. Actually I don’t have high expectations for coffee at restaurants because I feel that’s not their expertise. I rather have lunch/dinner then hop over to my favourite coffee joint for coffee instead. Luckily this one was pretty good.

Conclusion: We liked the place very much, the service staff are so attentive. We are going to return again for my mother’s birthday celebrations! Besides, it is one of the rare few places in Singapore that serves Rabbit, and the Partner is hell bent on trying that!

Daniel Boulud DB Bistro Moderne

10 Bayfront Avenue, Singapore 018956

Monday – Friday
Dinner : 5:30pm – 10.30pm
Saturday and Sunday
Brunch : 11am – 2.30pm
Dinner : 5:30pm – 10.30pm

Telephone: +65 6688 8525

Dress Code: Smart Casual
DB Bistro Moderne Dinner Menu (Lunch menu is slightly different)

Directions to Marina Bay Sands

7 Comments Leave a Reply

  1. The burger reminds me of this joint called í¼berburger (if I remember correctly) at Millennia Walk, but had closed down for years. Looks good!

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