McDonald’s Fries

September 11, 2011

McDonald's Fries

Forget chocolate cake and ice-cream. McDonald’s French fries is the real comfort food for me. Apparently, they are now trans fats free. If your fries are not piping hot like how you want them to be, McDonalds will get you a new serving, no questions asked.

Watch this space, going to do a full write-up of the McDonald’s Open Doors Kitchen tour I attended on Saturday.

8 Comments Leave a Reply

    • I was in Group B! I didn’t see you either until towards the end. Thought you looked familiar but couldn’t put my finger on it. It was only when I walked past you in the Supermarket that I finally realised who!! Did you enjoy the open doors?

      • I was in Grp A. Saw some famous food bloggers in the same grp but was too shy to approach them. Haha… Yup, I did enjoy the session.

  1. The french fries they look too sleepy and seems underpacked because you shouldn’t see the yellow stripes behind. So sad, now the french fries standard has dropped so much. Sometimes I get a pack that seems to be worth half of what I pay for.

  2. I can’t believe it that when I saw this photo of the fries, the first thing that came to my mind is what a badly packed fries. They should be all (or mostly) standing proud and straight not sleepy like these. These were my exact thoughts one year ago with my comments above.

    • I can’t believe you are reading my fries post again…did you google and chance upon it?

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