Country Guide - Norway

Flåmsbana (Flåm Railway)

I was glad I took the Flí¥m Railway in the end. The truth be told, I was kind of worried about taking this train ride. I have a thing about trains travelling along mountain cliffs. The sight of the sheer drop makes
November 7, 2011

Hiking in Flåm

In the end, it was a good decision to stay 2 nights in Flí¥m. I was a little worried that there’d be nothing to do in Flí¥m. Flí¥m is so small that during the off peak season, which was the time we
November 4, 2011

Journey from Bergen to Flåm

Hands down, this has got to be the highlight and the most scenic part of my holiday in Norway and Denmark. While Oslo and Copenhagen were great in their own ways, it is dramatic scenery of mountains, waterfalls and fjords that stay
November 2, 2011

Bergen–Bryggeloftet Restaurant

Just in case you were expecting food reviews on this blog and there seems to be none in the last few posts, I am currently on holiday in Norway. I’ve done Oslo and I returned yesterday from Copenhagen Denmark. I’m moving on
November 1, 2011

Greetings from Oslo!

It’s COLD COLD COLD! On the first day that I arrived, which was yesterday actually, it wasn’t that bad at all . I only had 3 layers on. Then the weather turned so cold in the evening it was a struggle making
October 22, 2011

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