latte - Page 2

Nassim Hill Bakery Bistro Bar

Experts say that a catchy name for a business is a marketing tool in itself. I’ve no doubt about this piece of advice and I’m sure many an astute businessman have put it to good use. Just think about all the cafes
July 31, 2012

Grand Salads Bistro

*Invited Session* Just before my Norway trip, I received an invitation to check out Grand Salads Bistro. It’s not often that you find a cafe touting healthy food so I was really excited to know about the existence of this place. Grand
November 17, 2011

The Garden Slug

I found out about The Garden Slug only a few weeks ago and I had this impression that it had opened just a while back. The 2 guys at the next table thought the same thing too because I overheard one guy
October 6, 2011

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