
April 17, 2010

Went to this place today after work to celebrate a colleague’s last day at work. We were the 2nd group of people to arrive and already the earlier colleagues had chugged down their 1st mug. I ordered an Erdinger and was shocked to be presented a 0.5ml glass. I asked if they had smaller, they replied in the affirmative, so I asked them to switch. Later I discovered that the 0.3ml glass cost the same as the 0.5ml glass because there was a discount on the 0.5ml glass during happy hour. It would have been nice if the staff had said so, but no loss to me regardless since I wouldn’t have been able to finish a 0.3ml one anyway.

The place is slightly strange. It seems to want to be a restaurant as well as a pub. As a result, 2/3 of the restaurant has usual tables and chairs for proper dining and in a 2 seater formation. One would expect more patrons in groups of 3 or more, rather than lovey dovey couples. It seemed today that a lot of people wanted to drink, so numerous tables were occupied with bar patrons.

Drinks wise, I don’t think anyone had complaints. They did have a huge selection of mocktails and fruit coolers, which was well appreciated by the non-beer drinkers amongst us. Foodwise, I felt the calamari and fries we ordered were tasteless. The pizzas were very delicious though. We ordered several different flavours, but the one I thought was fantastic was the hawaiian pizza. It had substantial chunks of pineapples on it, and the largest cheese slices ever.  All the pizzas were hot, extremely crispy and thin and laden with toppings. No regrets there. For those with small appetites, 1 pizza is enough for 2.

Did not manage to try out the dinner menu today, but will do so in the near future. Have set my heart on the shrimp scampi pasta!

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