Zenxin Organic Park Lunch

November 14, 2010

After the scary start to the morning which caused us to only commence our tour nearly 1 hour late (details to come later), we did not have time for a breakfast pit stop. So we opted to have lunch immediately upon arrival at Zenxin. Lunch was served in the VIP room. Wonder if we were given the VIP room after the morning scare, because it seems despite there being other tour groups, none others used the VIP room. The VIP room is just a private room with no other frills except that it is air-conditioned. Nonetheless, it was appreciated.

For lunch, we were served 8 dishes + rice. If I am not wrong, all the food served was organic.

Zenxin - Pumpkin Fritters

Pumpkin Fritters — This was one of my favourites! Pieces of pumpkin enveloped in a super crispy crust. I think the black dots are dragon fruit seeds. It was really nice.

Zenxin Lunch - Egg and fried seaweed

Fried puffy egg with ultra fried seaweed thingy — This was my favourite dish of all. I love egg as you all know. The crispy green vegetable tasted like seaweed. I had heaps of those, although it seems like the other people didn’t. Or maybe the dish was conveniently located nearest to lucky me. Went really well with the rice.

Zenxin Lunch - Sweet and sour fish

Sweet and sour fish — Sweet and sour sauce was nice but the fish was too dry.

Zenxin Lunch - Mushroom, vegetable and tofu

Green gourd looking vegetable with enoki mushrooms and tofu — This was a nice light dish. Tofu was very tasty.

Zenxin Lunch - Steamed egg

Empty plate……From my angle, I wondered why on earth the waitress set down an empty plate on the table. Only when somebody asked what it was did I realise that there was steamed egg in that dish. It looked so smooth I thought the surface of the egg was the bottom of the plate! Egg tasted a little on the bland side and had a powdery feel to it, despite looking so smooth.

There were also 3 other dishes I did not take pictures of:- Sweet and sour chicken, Broccoli soup and a last one I can’t remember.

On the whole, I thought some dishes were really good while some were below average. The other tables polished off everything they were served. For me, my 2 favourite dishes were the pumpkin fritters and the seaweed egg thing. I hate to say this but I thought some of the dishes were too bland for me. I wonder if food in Singapore has been so over seasoned and salted that I’ve become accustomed to all these bad things? I certainly don’t want to give the impression that organic food is bland. In any case, bland or not, I believe that we should all strive to eat more natural and wholesome foods, and we will eventually adapt to the taste. Taste is just a matter of habit, which is why we often like the foods we grew up with.

Read about the rest of my Zenxin Organic Park Tour activities.

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